Individual & Family Support Network
Individual & Family Support Network has been moving people out of homelessness in Sonoma County since our inception in 1989. We do this by empowering families and individuals who are experiencing homelessness by providing them with rapid rehousing and transitional housing and a range of services that includes tenant counseling, financial assistance and education, free psychotherapy, and case management.
The Need
In the US
According to the U.S. Department of HUD, a recent report found that 653,104 people experienced homelessness on a single night in 2023.
IN California
The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness reports that as of January 2024, California had an estimated 181,399 people experiencing homelessness on any given day – that is an estimated 27.8% of the national number of homeless!!
There are over 2,266 homeless in our community, 57% of whom are unsheltered. The need in our neighborhoods is greater than the solutions available. IFSN served over 900 people last year & needs your help to continue to provide solutions.
Gold Seal 2023:
Empowering Community Impact
We’ve earned our 2023 Gold Seal! We want to make sure you have the progress updates you need to confidently support our work with trust and confidence as well as seeing the great work we do in our community. Guidestar is the premier destination for nonprofits and nonprofit research.