Individual & Family Support Network Inc. has been providing homeless services in Sonoma County since 1989. Over the years, the agency has continued to evolve to meet the needs of the community and our participants.
Today we strive to uphold the passion of our grassroots beginnings, break down barriers to housing equity and maintain integrity in our growth as an agency and a community partner.

The Emergency Shelter Program opens at the National Guard Armory in Santa Rosa. IFSN began collaborating with other service providers to provide on-site supportive services to participants, which included but was not limited to: medical and mental health services, HIV testing and education, benefit counseling, employment resources and hosting job fairs, permanent housing assistance and more.
IFSN is born in the hearts of philanthropic community leaders; planning begins to open a shelter.
The Homeless Advisory Committee was implemented to empower people with lived experience to have more ownership of the shelter environment by including them in policy and procedural decisions. IFSN launched our Transitional Housing Program in 1999, which continues to be in operation today. Starting as a single facility program, over the years it has grown to be as large as 15 houses and today includes 11 different locations. In 2000, IFSN employed clinical staff to meet behavioral health needs of the community, increasing collaboration with Sonoma County Behavioral Health services. The IFSN Clinical Program continues today, growing to include clinical supervisors, students and associates working towards clinical licensure through relationships with multiple local universities.
On May 20, 2009 The Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act (HEARTH Act) was signed into law. IFSN formally adopted the Housing First Model across all programs quickly after passage of the HEARTH Act. IFSN was awarded a contract from the Veterans Administration to serve local Veterans, leading to the opening of a dedicated transitional housing program with wrap-around services.
IFSN has worked collaboratively with partners, other providers and Public Housing Authorities to expand local homeless services and embed solutions in spaces that were historically problem saturated.
IFSN continued to expand our Transitional Housing Program by being awarded multiple Capital Development Grants to purchase housing facilities over several years.
IFSN significantly expands programs for Veterans, partnering with the Veterans Administration to provide permanent housing resources for 100 Veterans per year through the HUD-VASH Program. In search of a solution for a growing local problem, IFSN began to focus on housing solutions for formerly incarcerated people. Initially opening 10 Transitional Housing beds, which today has grown to include over 70 beds. IFSN expanded Rapid Rehousing programs and services to connect people to permanent housing as quickly as possible. IFSN partnered with Human Services to provide permanent housing solutions to families working with the Family Youth & Children Services Division, initially serving 30 families and today with a goal of serving over 100 families annually.